DEC Water Well Completion Reports available online!

DEC Water Well Completion Reports available online!

Via: DECinfo Locator

April 21, 2023

Hi Everyone,


An extra thank you to Randolph Well Drilling for pointing out that these new data formats do not work very well for those of you who use phones or tablets to look for data while on site. See attached for the Google Earth file that was created in 2020, which you can download to your device and then open in the Google Earth app. This format has less data than the other formats, because we found that the program started bogging down with too much data. I will see if the Google Earth system has improved and will allow for all more records. I will let you notify you if I am able to post upstate water well data on Google Earth on DEC’s website again.




From: Guidetti, Beth K (DEC)
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 10:30 AM
To: Guidetti, Beth K (DEC) <>
Subject: *NEW* Water Well Completion Reports Available Online!
Importance: High


Hi Everyone,


I am happy to announce that we have posted over 80,000 water well completion reports online via DECinfo Locator.


To view the water wells layer, launch the map, then scroll down DEC Information Layers area to the left and select “Water Wells”.  Zoom in on the map to make the layer visible. To search by address, click on Search (at the top of the left side) and then enter the address.  If you select a water well icon, there will be pop-up with some information about that well. Then you can click on “Completion Report” to obtain the pdf water well completion report. Additional instructions are available on the DECinfo Locator web page. There is also a short survey available so that you can provide feedback.


We were very limited in what information we were allowed to include on the pop-up. More information is available on the pop-ups in the data available on Open Data website, but the completion reports are not available there. Note that public water supply wells and wells without coordinates are not included in either DECinfo Locator or Open Data. We will continue to add additional data and correct well locations on both platforms as time allows.

 Visit the Water Well Contractor Program online!


Beth Guidetti

Professional Geologist 1, Division of Water


New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-3508

P: 518-402-8203 | F: 518-402-8290 | |  |  |